Q-fig 哈利波特与海格Q版摩托场景
现货 (因库存实时变动,最终数量以订单确认为准)

售  价 700.00

批 发 价

  • 数  量
  • PCS
  • 库存  2  PCS
  • 起订量  1  PCS
分享 收藏宝贝


2024-10-06 ~ 2024-10-09
预计 2024-10-09 之后开始发货
  • 相关分类
  • 相关品牌
  • 商品详情
  • 规格参数
  • 品牌名称: Qmx
  • 官方限定数量: --
  • 作品名称:--
  • 商品分类:美系雕像
  • 商品系列:--
  • 商品条码:
  • 商品材质:PVC
  • 商品重量(kg):--
  • 外箱重量(kg):--
  • 适用年龄:14岁以上
  • 外箱尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 入箱数量:4 PCS
  • 入箱组数:--
  • 商品外包装尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 商品尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • 16.51 cm    -- cm   -- cm


对于小哈利-波特来说,鲁伯斯-海格是老师、保护者和魔法世界的导游。哈利和海格 Q-Fig Max Diorama》是迄今为止最大、最复杂的 Q-Fig Max,它描绘了两个朋友骑着海格的魔法摩托车,向着冒险之旅狂奔的情景。海格的长发和胡须被风吹得向后飘扬,而哈利则面带微笑,挥舞着魔杖,随时准备行动。该立体模型非常巨大,高 6 英寸,长 7 英寸,由 50 多个单独铸造的部件组成。从海格的透明护目镜(透过护目镜可以看到他的小眉毛)到哈利随风飘扬的格兰芬多围巾,每一个细节都不放过。哈利和海格》不仅是迄今为止最雄心勃勃的 Q-Fig,也是第一个编号的限量版 Q-Fig。它甚至还附有签名的真品证书。产品特点6 英寸(15.24 厘米)塑料制成限量版来自《哈利-波特》系列电影由 50 多个独立铸件组成。

Product Profile

To young Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid is teacher, protector and tour guide to the Wizarding World. Despite his daunting looks, the half-giant and groundskeeper of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry could not have been a kinder caretaker or more loyal friend.The biggest and most complex Q-Fig Max yet, the Harry and Hagrid Q-Fig Max Diorama depicts the two friends on Hagrid's magical motorcycle as they race towards adventure. Hagrid's long hair and beard is blown back by the wind while Harry smiles and brandishes his wand, ready for action.The diorama is huge - measuring 6 inches high and 7 inches long - and is comprised of over 50 individually-cast pieces. No detail was spared, from Hagrid's clear-lensed goggles (through which you can see his baby browns), to Harry's Gryffindor scarf billowing in the wind. A substantial piece, the whole diorama weighs in at one and a half pounds.Not only is Harry and Hagrid the most ambitious Q-Fig to date, it's also the first numbered, limited-edition Q-Fig as well. It even comes with a signed Certificate of Authenticity. Accept no substitutes!Product Features6 inches (15.24cm)Made of plasticLimited editionFrom ther Harry Potter moviesComprised of over 50 individually-cast pieces~


Product Picture Details