山口式 新52 超人 可动人偶
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售  价 686.00

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  • 数  量
  • PCS
  • 库存  1  PCS
  • 起订量  1  PCS
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2024-04-16 ~ 2024-04-19
预计 2024-04-19 之后开始发货
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  • 规格参数
  • 作品名称:DC
  • 商品分类:可动玩偶
  • 商品系列:--
  • 商品条码:
  • 商品材质:PVC
  • 商品重量(kg):--
  • 外箱重量(kg):--
  • 适用年龄:14岁以上
  • 外箱尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 入箱数量:24 PCS
  • 入箱组数:--
  • 商品外包装尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 商品尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • 175.00 cm    -- cm   -- cm


高度:约 175mm──来自氪星的钢铁之躯终于现身!诞生于 1938 年的 DC 英雄超人,至今仍是最强的经典人物,终于加入了《神奇的山口组》!该模型以 2011 年 DC 英雄大规模重启活动 "NEW 52 "中更新的模型为蓝本。蓝色战衣、胸前的 "S "标志和红色披风等基本图案得以保留,金属质感和分割线让人联想到氪星的未知技术。人物的身体拥有英雄中最高的力量和强度,被雕刻成比例匀称的形状,肌肉绷得紧紧的。躯干的左右两侧被分割开来,使整个肩膀可以前后摆动,即使是粗壮的双腿也可以深深弯曲,髋关节可以张开,在保持身体线条的同时,还可以摆出各种有力的姿势,这都要归功于山口胜久独特的动作噱头。生动的金属蓝色套装上贯穿的锐利线条和胸前的 S 标记被雕刻成三维细节。肌肉轮廓清晰,与无敌的身躯相得益彰。她还配有各种表情部件!她紧闭嘴唇的表情给人一种超自然的正义感,一头波浪状的黑色短发经过精心雕刻,展现了她的性格。该模型包含三种不同的头部类型--带有正面视角和左右眼睛的正常脸部,以及根据眼睛发出的热射线 "热视线 "图像制作的带有红色发光眼睛的愤怒脸部。斗篷可更换为两种类型的斗篷--模型型和布制型。雕刻斗篷可以通过部件和关节移动,可以向左或向右伸展,也可以向后弹起。布制斗篷的背面还印有一个 S 标记,边缘内置了一根可自由弯曲的金属丝,以产生飘动的形状。可选部件] - 可选双手 x 8 - 可选面部 x 4 - 布制斗篷部件 - 展示架 - 38 点铰接 - 雕塑:山口克久

Product Profile

Height: approximately 175mm──The Man of Steel from the planet Krypton is finally here! The classic DC hero Superman, who was born in 1938 and is still the strongest even today, finally joins the Amazing Yamaguchi lineup! The figure is based on the figure renewed in the DC hero large-scale restart event "NEW 52" from 2011. The basic motif of the blue suit with the "S" symbol on his chest and red cape has been retained, while the metallic texture and split lines are reminiscent of the unknown technology of Krypton. The figure's body, which boasts the greatest power and strength among heroes, is sculpted with a well-proportioned body, with muscles that are taut and taut. The left and right sides of the torso are split to allow the entire shoulder to swing back and forth, and the thick legs can be bent deeply and the hip joints can be opened wide. The sharp lines running throughout the bright metallic blue suit and the S mark on the chest are sculpted in three-dimensional detail. The muscles that make up the figure's invincible body are clearly defined and highlighted. A wide variety of facial expressions are also included! Her tight-lipped expression gives a sense of righteousness, and her short, gently wavy black hair has been meticulously sculpted to express her character. Three different head types are included: a standard front face, a left and right face, and an angry face with glowing red eyes based on the image of "heat vision" emitted from the eyes. Two interchangeable cloaks are included: a sculpted cloak and a cloth cloak. The sculpted cloak can be moved by joints and parts, and can be extended to the left and right, as well as bounced backwards. The cloth cloak also comes with an S mark printed on the back and a wire that can be bent freely around the edges to create a fluttering shape. Optional Parts] - Optional hands x 8, Optional face x 4, Cloth cape parts and display stand - 38 points of articulation - Sculptor: Katsuhisa Yamaguchi


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