Q-Fig Max Elite系列 史迪奇在旧金山 Q版场景手办 ★
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售  价 350.00

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  • 数  量
  • PCS
  • 库存  > 50  PCS
  • 起订量  1  PCS
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2024-04-26 ~ 2024-04-29
预计 2024-04-29 之后开始发货
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  • 商品详情
  • 规格参数
  • 品牌名称: Qmx
  • 官方限定数量: --
  • 作品名称:迪士尼
  • 商品分类:美系雕像
  • 商品系列:--
  • 商品条码:
  • 商品材质:PVC
  • 商品重量(kg):--
  • 外箱重量(kg):--
  • 适用年龄:14岁以上
  • 外箱尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 入箱数量:6 PCS
  • 入箱组数:--
  • 商品外包装尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 商品尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm    -- cm   -- cm


高度 20.3 厘米 在小莉洛-佩勒凯收养了被称为 626 号实验体的外星人后,她给它取名为史蒂奇,并在猫王的帮助下尽力训练她的新 "小狗"。虽然史迪奇外表可爱、毛茸茸的,但他一直在与自己的破坏冲动作斗争。毕竟,他是被邪恶的天才设计成怪物的。我们的《史迪奇 X 旧金山》Q-Fig Max Elite 捕捉到了史迪奇沉溺于恶作剧倾向的样子。史迪奇拥有毁灭的本能和超级计算机般的头脑,他只是瞥了一眼旧金山的明信片,就用莉萝的玩具建造了一个旧金山模型。史迪奇假装自己是一个怪兽,在小小的城市景观中横冲直撞,一路上吞食汽车,夷平纸质建筑。对于一个基因工程制造的混乱因子来说,这只是一点轻松的乐趣。不过,莉萝喂他喝了那么多咖啡可能也没什么用。史迪奇 X 旧金山 Q-Fig Max 精英版根据迪斯尼动画电影《莉洛和史迪奇》改编,将提醒迪斯尼迷们为什么会爱上这个可爱的小捣蛋鬼。我们不遗余力地重现这一标志性时刻,包括纸板建筑和临时搭建的金门大桥。史迪奇一边咧嘴大笑,一边把小汽车送得满天飞。承认吧--你现在正一边欣赏着这一经典场景,一边发出史迪奇的声音。史迪奇 X 旧金山 Q-Fig Max Elite 从自制街道的底部到高高抛向空中的汽车和绳索的顶端有 8 英寸高。有时,我们都需要发泄一下,但有了史迪奇的 Q-Fig 系列,您一定会微笑,并记住 ohana 意味着家庭 - 无论发生什么。

Product Profile

高度20.3cm After little Lilo Pelekai adopts the alien known as Experiment 626, she renames him Stitch and does her best to train her new “puppy” with a little help from Elvis Presley. Though Stitch may be cute and fluffy on the outside, he’s constantly battling his destructive impulses. He was designed by an evil genius to be a monster, after all. Our Stitch X San Francisco Q-Fig Max Elite captures Stitch as he’s indulging his more mischievous tendencies. With an instinct to destroy and a mind like a supercomputer, Stitch builds a model of San Francisco with Lilo’s toys after just glancing at a postcard of the city. Pretending to be a kaiju, Stitch rampages through the tiny cityscape while gobbling up cars and leveling paper buildings along the way. It’s just a little light fun for a genetically engineered agent of chaos. It probably doesn’t help that Lilo fed him all that coffee, though. Based on the treasured Disney animated film Lilo and Stitch, the Stitch X San Francisco Q-Fig Max Elite will remind Disney fans why they fell in love with this adorable little mayhem machine. We’ve spared no detail in recreating this iconic moment for your collection, down to the cardboard buildings and a makeshift Golden Gate bridge. Stitch sends tiny cars flying in his wake all while grinning from ear to floppy ear. Admit it - you’re making Stitch noises right now while just admiring the classic scene. The Stitch X San Francisco Q-Fig Max Elite stands 8 inches tall from the base of the homemade streets to the tips of the cars and ropes flung high into the air. Sometimes we all have to blow off a little steam, but with Stitch in your Q-Fig collection you’re sure to smile and remember that ohana means family - no matter what.


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