六角机牙系列 自由联盟军A1型 1.5版 机甲拼装模型
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  • 库存  > 50  PCS
  • 起订量  1  PCS
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2024-04-25 ~ 2024-04-28
预计 2024-04-28 之后开始发货
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  • 作品名称:--
  • 商品分类:拼装模型
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  • 商品条码:
  • 商品材质:PVC
  • 商品重量(kg):--
  • 外箱重量(kg):--
  • 适用年龄:14岁以上
  • 外箱尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 入箱数量:36 PCS
  • 入箱组数:--
  • 商品外包装尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 商品尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm    -- cm   -- cm


战斗准备完毕,启动引擎。装甲型是州长装备的 "强化装甲服 "的名称。它是一种密封的极端环境工作服,外面覆盖着装甲和人造肌肉,但和它的前身一样,它也有一个内置的生命支持系统,使其能够在污染区域(如晶体反应堆周围)长时间工作。它的早期版本叫 "卒",后来的改进版本是 A1。最初,它只是步兵的高级装备,但由于其增强的体能和各种自带功能,它作为长官装备而备受关注,A1 在开发时增加了与人工智能 KARMA 连接等功能。与普通动态装甲最大的不同点在于,背部连接器装载了作为动力源的再生能源 "六芒星",可实现半永久性操作。装甲内的人造肌肉纤维渗透了六芒星,这大大提高了穿戴者的机动性。典当 A1 目前由企业联盟 "自由联盟 "大量生产和供应,但并不面向大众,非军方人员很难获得。在 "人机合一 "概念下开发的 Pawn A1 已具备与 Zoatex 激活的 Hexagear 并肩作战的生存能力。总督的生存方式也随着 Hexagear 的变化而改变,以应对日益激烈的战斗。如果不增强肌肉力量和韧性,总督本身就无法跟上不断进化的机器。目前的 Hexagear 更注重灵活性而非厚重的装甲,它要求州长成为一名并肩作战的士兵,而不仅仅是一名驾驶员。作为基本武器,它配备了一把 "超振动剑 "和一把 "突击步枪"。"超振动剑 "可以振动剑身,像锯子一样切割。外观几乎没有变化,但制造商进行了 "小改动",以改进动力辅助和使用人工肌肉的各种功能。配备: ■超振剑 ■突击步枪 根据用户反馈,"总督 "系列的首款产品["总督 "装甲类型:典当 A1]进行了升级。改动1头部、上臂、大腿、腹部和腹股沟装甲原先采用 PVC 模制,现改为 PS 材料,使其更易于涂装和改装。(腕部将继续使用 PVC 材料) ■更改 2根据材料的更改,对部件的结构进行了新的设计和开模。整体设计保持不变,头部变成了三部分结构的多色模具。后六角连接器的连接方式改为直径为 3mmφ 的轴连接。更改 3 增加了旧版本中没有的关节噱头,并更改了结构,使其更易于把玩。增加了可前后移动的颈部--为了使躯干上的球形关节不松动,进行了结构上的变更--腰部旁边的盒子是为了防止因材质变化而产生干涉而增加的可动噱头■"全身26处 "虽然高度只有74mm的小尺寸,但可以进行活动。附带武器中的剑和步枪可在刺刀状态下组合使用。由于肩部的硬点直径变为 3mm,因此可以使用 Hexagear 和 Frame Arms、M.S.G 等部件进行定制。背包配备了可连接[六芒星系统]的标准[连接器],您可以尽情连接各种部件。头部摄像头和腹部等部位将部分涂装。配件 ■剑×1 ■步枪×1 ■手腕部件(握把、平手、武器手柄)左右各一分钟 ■PVC 制成的六芒星×1 ■存档卡×1

Product Profile

Combat preparation complete. Armor type is the name of the "reinforced armored suit" equipped by the governor. It is a sealed, extreme-environment work suit covered with an armored exterior and artificial muscles, but like its predecessors, it also has a built-in life-support system, enabling it to operate for extended periods of time in contaminated areas, such as around crystalline reactors. There was an early model called the "Pawn," and this A1 is a later improved version. Originally, it was a higher level equipment for infantrymen, but its enhanced physical capabilities and various self-contained functions attracted attention as a governor's equipment, and the A1 was developed with additional functions such as a link with the artificial intelligence KARMA. The most different point from normal dynamic armor is that the back connector is loaded with "Hexagram," a regenerative energy resource that serves as a power source, and is used to achieve semi-permanent operation. Hexagram permeates the artificial muscle fibers inside the armored suit, greatly expanding the mobility of the wearer. The Pawn A1 is currently manufactured and supplied in large quantities by the Liberty Alliance, a corporate alliance, but it is not distributed to the general public, and it is difficult for individuals who do not belong to the military to obtain one. Pawn A1 was developed based on the concept of "man-machine oneness," and has gained survivability to fight alongside "Hexagear," which activates the Zootex. The governor also changed in accordance with the aspect of Hexagear, which changed to cope with increasingly intense battles. Governors themselves could not keep up with the evolving machines without enhanced muscle strength and toughness. The current Hexagear, which emphasizes agility over heavy armor, requires the governor to be a soldier who fights alongside the machine, rather than a mere pilot. The "Hyper Vibration Sword," which vibrates its blade and cuts like a saw, and the "Assault Rifle" are its basic armaments. Although the appearance is almost the same, the manufacturer has made "minor changes" to improve the power assist and various other functions using artificial muscles. Equipped with Hyper Vibration Sword ■Assault Rifle Based on feedback from users, the first product in the Governor series, "Governor Armor Type: Pawn A1," has been upgraded. The head, upper arms, thighs, abdomen, and groin armor, which were previously made of PVC, are now made of PS material, making them easier to paint and modify. (The wrists will continue to be made of PVC.) ■Change 2The structure of the parts has been newly designed and the molds have been newly made in accordance with the change in materials. While the overall design remains the same, the head is now a 3-part multi-color molding. The connection method of the back hexagram connector has been changed to 3mmφ diameter axis connection. 3Change point3The joint gimmick which was not in the old version has been added, and the structure has been changed to make it easier to play with. The ball joints in the torso have been modified to prevent them from coming loose, and a box next to the waist has been added to prevent interference due to material changes. Sword and rifle can be combined and used as a bayonet. The hard points on the shoulders are 3mm in diameter, allowing you to customize them with Hexagear, Frame Arms and M.S.G parts. The back backpack comes standard with a "connector" that allows you to attach the "Hexagram System" and enjoy attaching various parts. The head camera and abdomen are partially pre-painted parts. Accessories ■ Sword × 1 ■ rifle × 1 ■ wrist parts (grip, flat hand, weapon handle) each left and right minute ■ Hexagram made of PVC × 1 ■ archive card × 1


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