自在置物系列 风之谷 土鬼兵 贰 多尔克士兵 可动人偶
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售  价 770.00

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  • 库存  20  PCS
  • 起订量  1  PCS
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2024-04-20 ~ 2024-04-23
预计 2024-04-23 之后开始发货
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  • 作品名称:吉卜力工作室
  • 商品分类:可动玩偶
  • 商品系列:--
  • 商品条码:
  • 商品材质:PVC
  • 商品重量(kg):--
  • 外箱重量(kg):--
  • 适用年龄:14岁以上
  • 外箱尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 入箱数量:24 PCS
  • 入箱组数:--
  • 商品外包装尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm   -- cm   -- cm
  • 商品尺寸【长x宽x高】:
  • -- cm    -- cm   -- cm


尺寸] 高约 150 毫米。 陷阱 敌对强大的托尔梅基亚国 土魔(德鲁克)的士兵! 带有武术图案的盔甲。 独特的立体排列。 文字。 风之谷的娜乌西卡》系列中最新的武家风格自由塑像,是继托尔梅克装甲兵和特里奥马之后的又一力作、 这些士兵在强大的多民族国家 "德鲁克联盟 "的前线作战,该联盟是原版漫画中托梅卡王国的对手。 他们擅长夜袭等游击战,是库沙那公认的杰出战士。 他们头戴民族面具般的头盔和瘴气面具,让人感受到他们独特的文化和风格。 Takeya Shiki 地藏饰品将本土民族风格与先进的古代文明传承下来的加工技术相结合,Takayuki Takeya 根据宫崎骏的原创漫画和彩色插图对设计进行了分析和编排。 藤冈幸男负责原型制作。色彩搭配保持低色调,同时大胆采用红色和蓝色,以突出民族风格。 可以说,竹屋的编排感,乍一看给人虚虚实实的感觉,与《风之谷的娜乌西卡》的世界有很高的亲和力。 土木士兵的形象具有强烈的存在感,传达出他们每个人都是活生生的人,即使他们是普通士兵。 亮点 ●全身覆盖着变形铠甲的 "土魔兵 "形象被制作成可移动的人物形象,其排列方式别具一格。肩部前后摆动,腰部软质材料制成的草uri 可以活动、 保持了较大的活动范围。此外,即使是虚构的设计,该雕像也能逼真地表现出人体穿着盔甲的样子,即使在移动时也不会失去自然的比例,其精致的做工也是不容错过的。 该模型也是目前正在销售的托梅基亚士兵和特里奥马模型的完美补充,可营造托梅基亚王国与地球恶魔领主联盟之间的战场对抗场景! 她配有一把带刺刀的大型长枪和一把类似日本刀的弯刀。在复制原作描绘的同时,还加入了一些细节,以突出真实感。 通过更换剑柄,可以将剑收纳到腰间的剑鞘中。

Product Profile

Size] Approximately 150mm in height Catch Hostile to the powerful nation of Tolmekia Soldiers of Druk! Armor with a martial design Three-dimensional in a unique arrangement! Text The latest in the "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" series of Takeya-style figurines, following on from the Tolmekian Armored Troops and Triuma, In the original comic, the soldiers fight on the front lines of the powerful multi-ethnic "Druk Confederacy," which is a rival to the Kingdom of Tolmekia. Specializing in guerrilla warfare such as night raids, they are regarded by Kushana as excellent warriors. Their ethnic mask-like helmets and miasma masks give the appearance of a unique culture and style. Takayuki Takeya analyzed and arranged Hayao Miyazaki's original comic and color illustrations to create a design that is a mixture of indigenous ethnic styles and processing techniques inherited from an advanced ancient civilization. Yukio Fujioka was in charge of prototype production. The color scheme is subdued, while red and blue are boldly placed to emphasize the ethnic feel. Takeya's sense of arrangement, which at first glance makes one wonder whether the figures are fictitious or real, is highly compatible with the worldview of "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Even though they are ordinary soldiers, the figures of the Tsuchiki soldiers have a strong presence that conveys that each one of them is a living person. ●A unique arrangement of the figure of the Earthen Demon Soldier with his entire body covered in deformed armor has been made into a movable figure. The shoulder swings back and forth, and the kusazuri around the waist made of soft material are movable, A wide range of movement is maintained. The figure's realistic representation of a human body in armor is also a must-see, and the natural proportions of the figure are exquisitely finished so that the figure's natural proportions will not be lost even when it is moved. The figure can be displayed alongside the previously released Tolmekian soldiers and Triuma to create a battlefield confrontation scene between the Kingdom of Tolmekia and the Alliance of Earth Demon Principality! A large long gun with bayonet and a warped sword similar to a Japanese sword are included as hand-held weapons. Details that emphasize the realism of the original story are included while copying its depiction. The sword can be replaced with a sword handle and can be stored in a scabbard around the waist.


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